Download Game After Burner Climax

After Burner 2 for the Genesis is a rip-roaring airborne combat game that duplicates the high frying action from the arcade title and the NES game of the same name. This take-no-prisoners air-to-air shoot-em-up defined the genre.

After Burner Climax by Kei Mesuda. Tested quality FREEWARE with screenshots, downloads, reviews, download from caiman, etc. Caiman free games: After Burner Climax by Kei Mesuda.

Review: After Burner Climax on Xbox 360. Thankfully, Sega decided to do a port for Xbox 360 and PS3, and offer it as a digital download rather than a packaged retail game. IOS After Burner Climax - free download for iPhone, iPad and iPod. Play After Burner Climax app! Download it right now! You will surely enjoy its exciting gameplay because this is one of the best games.


You're a carrier-based fighter pilot who takes on a ruthless air armada. Who's the enemy? Who knows! And who cares. If you want a storyline, try Phantasy Star II. The premium here is on reflex and reaction, not problem-solving. There's little time to stop and think.

Classic Looks

Arcade aces will recognize the now-classic After Burner behind-the-plane forward-looking view. Squadrons of enemy fighters attack you head on in endless waves, and interceptors sneak up on you from behind.

Overall, you get 23 good-looking stages. The graphics are sharp and colorful, but the scenery doesn't change much except for a few vivid night scenes.


For a change of face (and pace), Stages 8 and 17 feature bonus missions versus ground targets nestled in between a forest of gigantic stone pillars.

ProTip: ln the bonus rounds use the Slow button to weave through the pillars.

The aircraft are well-drawn though nondescript. Your fighter resembles a F-15 Strike Eagle. Among the mysterious enemy air forces we recognized Harriers and helicopters. But you really don't have time to admire the scenery, anyway.

Flying Basics, Basic Flying

After Burner doesn't offer a great variety of game-play. The barrel roll is your slickest move. Other than that, you fly left or right, up or down, slow or fast (that's the 'afterburner' part). However, the action is so fierce, that you don't notice the limited movement.

Move in a box pattern when the enemy jets get thick.

Most enemy jets start out as blips on the horizon, but they quickly become devastatingly clear. Some flights zoom by you from behind, they're dogmeat, but several lone interceptors latch on to your tail.

  • Keep your jet below the horizon. It's easier to see oncoming aircraft.
  • The more foes you destroy at a distance the better. Learn to quickly sweep the horizon with your sight, lock on, and blast away.

This game requires that the hand be quicker than the eye. Sometimes the screen gets so crowded with aircraft that it's tough to focus on one target. By the time you actually see an incoming missile, you're air pollution.

Air-to-Air Armament

Well, you're no sitting duck. Your state-of-the-arcade Vulcan cannon and Sidewinder air-to-air missiles can do serious damage to the enemy -- if you're fast enough on the draw. You get a floating crosshair that hovers just off the nose of your jet. You can set cannons to continuous fire or assign the trigger to any button. To fire a missile position your sights on a bogey and the computer voice yells, 'Lock!' Then you squeeze off a missile that homes in on the target, so once you fire one, quickly seek out another target. A tiny radar screen helps you watch your tail.

Use the Speed button to escape missiles on your tail. Remember: Rear radar can't pick up missiles.

Download Game After Burner Climax Download

Fight to the Finish

You want supersonic aerial point-and-shoot action? After Burner delivers. Just don't expect much variety.

After Burner Climax Arcade

After Burner compensates for Spartan movements with an overwhelming enemy force. Bust through to Stage 23, and you'll really have earned your wings.

After Burner Climax Pc

After Burner isn't the only way to fly, but fanatic jet jockeys may want to give it a try.

After Burner Game

Overall rating: 9